Fulfilling the dreams of young adult patients with cancer
Fulfilling the dreams and wishes of young adult patients who
can not be granted within the scope of traditional medical care.

About the Reeling in a Dream Fund

The Timothy P Roberts “Reeling in a Dream” Fund was founded by family and friends following Tim’s death on August 25th, 2005 after a year long battle with esophageal cancer. He was only 22 years old. Through Tim, Reeling in a Dream recognizes that the young adult cancer patient have different needs than a pediatric or older adult patient. It is RIAD’s mission to help provide resources to empower the young adult, provide support to guide and fulfill their unique needs, and to fulfill dreams and wishes that cannot be granted within the scope of traditional medical care. RIAD considers the young adult as age 18-35 and a patient at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for the purpose of this fund.

"Reeling in a Dream" is administered by the staff of Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and one hundred percent of each donation goes directly to the Fund for patient use.

We thank everyone who has been involved in Tim's dream. The Timothy P Roberts "Reeling in a Dream" Fund relies strictly on local fundraising and donations to meet its needs. It is overseen by the Timothy Roberts Advisory Committee (TRAC) made up of a representation of Tim's family and friends. All fundraising efforts must be approved by TRAC. Protecting the integrity of Tim's name and his foundation is of the utmost priority with TRAC. The Bassman's Ball, The "Reeling In A Dream" Fishing Derby and the Tourney for Tim/Rockin for Roberts would not be successful without all of our local supporters, and for that, we are truly appreciative. We hope you will consider making a donation in memory of a loved one, a birthday or other special occasion. It will certainly brighten the day of a young adult cancer patient.

Helpful Resources

RIAD understands the unique needs of our young adult cancer patients. We have found the following resources to be helpful in obtaining additional assistance, support and knowledge. If you have a resource you consider helpful, please let us know by contacting us at contact@reelinginadream.org.


Make a Donation

100% goes to the fund for patient use!

Inspiration From a 5th Grader

March 28, 2012
Dear Roberts Family,
My name is Nate D'Entremont. I am in the fifth grade at Franklin School in Mrs. Uttley's class. At Christmastime, Mrs. Uttley told the class about Timmy. When I heard about what had happened, I just wanted to do the right thing. My brother, sister and I have been collecting money and putting spare change in the "Timmy box". I put my allowance money and my holiday money in. We collected $70.00 for the Timmy Roberts Fund.